Stained glass murals can tell a beautiful story.
If you have ever seen a painted mural, you already know how amazing they can be. Murals can tell a story through artistic interpretations. Usually, the word mural refers to an art form that is painted directly on the wall itself, but we’re going to stretch that definition a bit here, and talk about stained glass murals.
Cave paintings are the original form of murals, so it would be safe to say that murals are an art form that’s been around since the beginning of human history. Stained glass hasn’t been around quite that long, but it lends itself beautifully to murals. Sophisticated or whimsical, dramatic or inspiring, large or small, stained glass and murals are a match made in art-heaven.
Imagine having a mural done in stained glass. It would be an amazing sight, to see the sun shining through the stained glass, lighting up the entire scene. Imagine a stained glass mural in your picture or bay window, or in the transom windows running around the ceiling of your living room.
There are other places to use stained glass murals as well. One that many people have never considered is in your kitchen cabinet doors. Instead of having the same stained glass design in each one, the individual panels can be part of a stained glass mural that runs right across your cabinets, giving your kitchen an incredible one of a kind look or feel.
Here at Stained Glass Denver, we’ve developed our own signature collection of stained glass design, in the form of aspen trees. This style lends itself beautifully to a simple stained glass mural, showing a forest. It’s a phenomenal way to add value to your home, along with uniqueness and aesthetic beauty.
Take a look at our signature Aspen Collection here.
Many public buildings in the U.S. and other countries have commissioned artists to paint murals for their huge walls. This is deemed important as a way of bringing art and culture to the masses. But whether you have a restaurant with a huge row of windows, or a church with a wall of windows, or a home in need of some inspiration in its windows, a stained glass mural will take the entire space to a whole new level.
Right about now, you’re probably wondering if you could ever afford a stained glass mural. Sure, the government can afford to commission one. Sure, a church can raise money for one through its congregation.
But can you, as a homeowner, serious afford a stained glass mural in your home?
The cost of a stained glass mural has to do with the size, first of all. The second consideration is how many pieces are involved in the design. How complex it is. Our customers are frequently pleasantly surprised when they find out just how affordable custom stained glass from Stained Glass Denver can be.
We’ll work with you to bring your stained glass mural in on budget! Please contact us today.