Denver stained glass repair experts.

Denver stained glass repair experts.

Are you looking for stained glass repair, Denver or anywhere up and down the Front Range or in the Rockies? If so, we’d like to earn your business. With our two decades in the stained glass business, we have repaired and restored many pieces of stained glass for their delighted owners.

It’s rare to find a problem with stained glass that cannot be repaired. Many stained glass windows can and do last for centuries. It is easier to keep them in excellent condition if you have the window repaired at the first sign of a problem, before it needs a complete restoration.

For instance, if something hits your window and one or more of the glass pieces are chipped, cracked, or knocked out completely. These are simple repairs. We will removed the stained glass panel from your window or door and take it back to our stained glass repair Denver studio. (Which is actually in Centennial.) We’ll disassemble the piece only as much as we need to to access the damaged glass. We work from the outside of the panel in toward the damaged pieces. With access to thousands of colors and textures of glass, we can almost always match the color or type of the old glass to replace it, leaving your window looking as good or better than new; better, because we will also clean and polish it before restoring it to your home, office, or other commercial space.


When it comes to stained glass repair, Denver customers frequently ask us if it’s worth the cost. That depends on the extent of the damage and the age of the piece. If it is antique stained glass, repairing it will give you a window that could be worth four times what a brand new one would be.

Sometime clients buy damaged or broken stained glass windows or lampshades in antique shops or flea markets, and they contact us about repairing it. We are always eager to help if we can. Stained glass is an ancient art form requiring outstanding craftsmanship. We are always delighted to help bring the work of these former master craftsmen back to life.

We’d have to see the stained glass window, door panel, hanging panel, or light fixture, to be able to give you an estimate for the stained glass repair, Denver. So why not contact us through our contact form on this site? We’d appreciate it if you could send some photos of the broken area, and a description of anything that needs repair but doesn’t show up in the photos. We’ll get back to you about your stained glass repair project as soon as possible.

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, collector of antique stained glass, and the owner of Stained Glass Denver. For over thirty years, Martin has been running his company in Denver using the techniques he learned as a stained glass artisan in Scotland. He has devoted his life's work to perfecting the art form and studying its history. Martin's company specializes in custom creations, which are made using the highest quality materials and authentic, original designs. In addition to residential and commercial stained glass, the company also offers services for churches and religious buildings. Over the years, Stained Glass Denver has completed numerous restorations of historic stained glass and produced over 50,000 windows.

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