Restore your stained glass to look like new.
With stained glass restoration, Denver stained glass owners can help keep their stained glass looking gorgeous and lasting for many years to come. But you might be wondering, why would stained glass need restoration at all?
There are many Denver area churches, hotels, restaurants, and yes, even homes, that have stained glass that is quite old and could be considered antique. Although stained glass is built to last, there are various things that could go wrong with it over the years, requiring either repair or restoration.
Repair would be for a stained glass window or other panel that has a chipped or cracked piece of glass. But restoration is a much larger and more complicated process. Here are a few of the things that might indicate a piece needs stained glass restoration, Denver:
1. In large church or commercial windows, the stained glass window might have started to bow or sag. This is a dangerous situation, usually caused by its weight and gravity over the decades. The lead strips that hold it all together can grow warped, bent, or brittle over time, exacerbating this condition. If you see any sagging or bowing in your stained glass, please contact us at once. With our special techniques for stained glass restoration, Denver clients can rest assured that we can strengthen their glass and fix its issues.
2. For any type of stained glass, if the lead has started to deteriorate, bend, or become brittle, that means the pieces of glass might no longer be secure in the frame. They might crack under the pressure, or become loose and actually fall out. We have had calls from panicked clients with antique stained glass, reporting that their windows were rattling horribly in the wind or that pieces of glass had just started dropping out. Again, please contact us at the first sign of any trouble, because without restoration, it’s likely to get worse. Your antique stained glass can deteriorate to the point where it can no longer be restored and must be replaced entirely, which is such a shame!
With stained glass restoration, Denver companies such as Stained Glass Denver need a certain amount of experience to handle the job correctly. We are always honored to take on a restoration project, and return the piece to its original glory. The first thing we’d need to do is assess the condition of the stained glass, to determine our strategy in restoration. We’ll probably ask you to send us digital photos so we can see the damage first hand. At some point, if we can restore your antique or otherwise damaged stained glass, we will uninstall it and bring it back to our studio in Centennial to complete the work.
For more information, please give us a call today.